Bill overview
General Bill issues
Interest limitation rules
- Overview
- General
- Application to the same groups as thin capitalisation
- Adjusted credit ratings
- Disregarded features
- Insuring or lending persons
- Thin capitalisation – exclusion of non-debt liabilities
- Infrastructure project finance
- Other thin capitalisation
Permanent establishment anti-avoidance rule
- Overview
- General
- Application of the rule
- Role of the facilitator
- Purpose of avoidance test
- Administrative matters
- Other matters
- Permanent establishment source rule
- Dta source rule
Transfer pricing and country-by-country reporting
Hybrid and branch mismatch rules
- Overview
- General issues
- Hybrid Financial instrument rule
- Disregarded hybrid payments rule and deemed branch payments
- Reverse hybrid rule and branch payee mismatch rule
- Deductible hybrid and branch payments rule
- Dual resident payer rule
- Imported mismatch rule
- Surplus assessable income
- Election Rules
- Interaction with other tax regimes
- Other definitions
- NRWT on hybrid arrangements – treaty issue
Other policy matters
- Inland Revenue’s administrative powers to investigate large multinationals
- Overview
- Life reinsurance
Miscellaneous issues
Bill overview
General Bill issues
- Issue: Support for the intent of the Bill
- Issue: Deferred application of proposed rules
- Issue: Grandparenting of existing advance pricing agreements
- Issue: Drafting of the provision to Grandparent of existing advance pricing agreements
- Issue: Grandparenting of existing advance pricing agreements
- Issue: Quality of the Bill
- Issue: Need for guidance
- Issue: The proposals go too far
- Issue: The proposals put New Zealand out of step with other countries
- Issue: Cost of capital and wider economic impact
- Issue: The package of reforms lacks coherence
- Issue: Consultation on draft legislation
Interest limitation rules
- Issue: Support for rules
- Issue: The restricted transfer pricing rule should not proceed
- Issue: Existing legislative tools are sufficient
- Issue: Restricted transfer pricing rule may not meet the internationally accepted arm’s length principle
- Issue: Rebuttable safe harbour
- Issue: Rationale used to justify restricted transfer pricing approach
- Issue: Group credit rating approach should not proceed
- Issue: Defer until further OECD research completed
- Issue: Inconsistency with the approach taken in Australia
- Issue: Withholding Tax
- Issue: Application date drafting
- Issue: Restricted transfer pricing de minimis
- Issue: Grandparenting existing loans
- Issue: Mutual Agreement Procedure
- Issue: Application to thin cap groups
- Issue: Second transfer pricing analysis required
- Issue: Asymmetric application of rules to inbound and outbound loans
- Issue: Pricing date for existing loans
- Issue: Interaction with wider transfer pricing rules
- Issue: The drafting of the restricted transfer pricing rule is too complicated
- Issue: Duplication of terms
- Issue: Cross-border related party loans taxable within New Zealand
- Issue: Minor drafting issues
Application to the same groups as thin capitalisation
- Overview
- Issue: Officials’ proposal should not be accepted
- Issue: Policy development
- Issue: Effect on iwi
- Issue: More than 100% combined interests
- Issue: Lack of control over New Zealand entity
- Issue: Consistency with CFC and thin capitalisation rules
- Issue: Non-voting preference shares
- Issue: Appointment of directors
- Issue: Scope of draft legislation
- Issue: Application of thin capitalisation threshold to restricted transfer pricing
- Issue: Public perception of integrity of Parliamentary process
Adjusted credit ratings
- Overview of three policy recommendations
- Income-interest test
- Third party credit ratings
- Two notches below group credit rating
- Issue: Linkage with parent’s credit rating
- Issue: Flat 40% gearing ratio limit
- Issue: 40% gearing limit is too low
- Issue: Location of 40% gearing ratio
- Issue: Income-interest test
- Issue: Annual income-interest test
- Issue: Income-interest ratio in a first year of operation
- Issue: Income-interest ratio of 3.3 is too high
- Issue: Residence test – having the usual tax status of a company
- Issue: Two out of three high BEPS risk tests
- Issue: Credit rating adjustment when third party loan with similar features exists
- Issue: Highest group credit rating
- Issue: Access to credit ratings
- Issue: Calculation date for interest rate on existing loans
- Issue: Calculation periods for income-interest ratio
- Issue: Data for the income-interest ratio calculation
- Issue: 12 month period
- Issue: Control by co-ordinated group
- Issue: Co-ordinated group rules should apply to interposed special purpose vehicles
- Issue: Foreign government shareholders
- Issue: Local published credit ratings
- Issue: Safe harbour for loans under $10 million
- Issue: Application of $10 million de minimis
- Issue: Compliance costs
- Issue: Calculation dates
- Issue: Restricted credit rating debt percentage
- Issue: Borrower’s credit rating
Disregarded features
- Issue: List of features
- Issue: Long-term loans with shorter term interest rate resets
- Issue: Total debt terminology
- Issue: Commissioner’s discretion
- Issue: Terms greater than five years
- Issue: Terms greater than five years related party exception
- Issue: Exception from five year limit
- Issue: Proportionality requirements in exotic terms
- Issue: Payment-in-kind
- Issue: Deferral of interest
- Issue: Calculation dates
- Issue: Term of the loan approach
- Issue: Third party exception for acting together
Insuring or lending persons
- Issue: General support for rules
- Issue: Insuring or lending persons applying the same credit rating as their parent
- Issue: Third party tests for insuring or lending persons
- Issue: Definition of “insuring or lending person” is unclear
- Issue: Definition of insuring or lending person – securitisation trusts
- Issue: Long-term credit rating in section GC 17
- Issue: Credit rating of insurers
- Issue: Reserve Bank capital requirements
- Issue: Regulatory capital should be exempt from the rules
- Issue: Regulatory capital that is an excepted financial arrangement
- Issue: Matching features of a back-to-back loan
- Issue: De minimis
Thin capitalisation – exclusion of non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Should the proposal to subtract non-debt liabilities from value of assets in calculating debt percentages for the non-bank thin capitalisation rules proceed?
- Issue: Should the exclusion of non-debt liabilities reflect how they would be treated by a third party lender
- Issue: Should deferred tax liabilities be included in non-debt liabilities
- Issue: The exclusion from non-debt liabilities for certain deferred tax liabilities should be clarified
- Issue: Should derivative positions be included in non-debt liabilities 100
- Issue: Liabilities of retirement village operators under occupational licences should be grandparented or excluded from non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Should there be industry specific carve outs for certain non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Related party trade payables should be excluded from non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Inconsistent measurement approaches in determining non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Other exclusions from non-debt liabilities
Infrastructure project finance
- Issue: Support for concessionary rule for infrastructure projects
- Issue: Opposition to concessionary rule for infrastructure projects
- Issue: Scope of rule – Central Government
- Issue: Scope of rule – Determination power
- Issue: Scope of rule – management phase
- Issue: Public project debt - security requirement
- Issue: Limited recourse debt
- Issue: Excess debt
- Issue: Public project participant debt (FE 4B (3))
- Issue: Debt applied to assets used in the project
- Issue: Debt refinancing
- Issue: On-lending funds to persons not associated with the project
- Issue: Rule should be optional
- Issue: Allow investor to divest interest to a separate investor
- Issue: Taxpayers within scope (FE 7B(1)(a))
- Issue: Exclude interest expenditure on public project debt from ordinary thin capitalisation rules (FE 7B(6))
- Issue: Drafting issues
- Issue: Threshold debt amount
- Issue: Non-debt liabilities
- Issue: Disposing of asset to the Crown
Other thin capitalisation
- Issue: Non-proportionate shareholder debt
- Issue: De minimis threshold for inbound thin capitalisation rules should include owner-linked debt
- Issue: Non-residents acting in concert: related–party debt
- Issue: Group acting in concert
- Issue: Grandparenting of non-residents acting in concert
- Issue: Asset valuation
- Issue: Assets not recognised for financial reporting purposes
- Issue: Drafting of thin capitalisation rules
- Issue: Interest carry forward rule
- Issue: Inbound de minimis
- Issue: Definition of assets
- Issue: Frequency of asset valuation
- Issue: Valuation of unique assets
- Issue: Independent expert valuations of assets
- Issue: Support for anti-avoidance rule
- Issue: Anti-avoidance rule scope
- Issue: Anti-avoidance rule dominant purpose
- Issue: Owner-linked debt when the borrower is a trust
- Issue: Worldwide group debt percentage and on-lending concession
Permanent establishment anti-avoidance rule
- Issue: General support for the rules
- Issue: Proposed rules will have a detrimental effect on foreign direct investment
- Issue: Clear guidance should be provided in the Officials’ Report
- Issue: The proposed PE anti-avoidance rule is misconceived
- Issue: Treaty override
- Issue: Royalties and the deemed PE source rule
- Issue: Scope of the PE anti-avoidance rule
Application of the rule
- Issue: Consolidated group turnover threshold is appropriate
- Issue: Threshold may still result in rule applying to smaller New Zealand resident entities
- Issue: Application dates unclear
- Issue: Proposed application dates do not allow sufficient time for multinationals to restructure
Role of the facilitator
- Issue: Support for non-resident supply of goods or services to New Zealand rule
- Issue: Introducing the concept of a ‘facilitator’ is a good step forward
- Issue: The proposed PE rules should be consistent with the OECD Action Plan
- Issue: Facilitator rule should cover sales only
- Issue: The legislation should further clarify the kind of activities intended to be caught by the rule
- Issue: Does the facilitator include employees visiting New Zealand?
- Issue: Physical location of the facilitator
- Issue: Criterion for commercial dependence of non-resident is appropriate
- Issue: The facilitator should not include commercially dependent entities, or the measurement should be clarified
- Issue: The 80% assessable income test should be a necessary but not sufficient criterion in the commercially dependent test for a facilitator
Purpose of avoidance test
- Issue: More than merely incidental purpose criterion is appropriate
- Issue: Proposed purpose of avoidance test too broad
- Issue: The phrase “merely incidental” needs legislative clarification
- Issue: Parliamentary contemplation test should apply
- Issue: Parliamentary contemplation test could still apply
- Issue: Purpose of avoidance test should use similar wording to section BG 1
- Issue: Avoidance test should require further indicia of avoidance
- Issue: Savings provision for no avoidance in other country
- Issue: Avoidance of foreign tax
Administrative matters
- Issue: Clarifying guidance required
- Issue: Guidance on attribution of profits to PEs
- Issue: Compliance obligations for new rule
- Issue: Post-implementation review
Other matters
- Issue: Profit attribution
- Issue: A DPT should not be dismissed
- Issue: A DPT should be adopted
- Issue: New Zealand should adopt a ‘facilitation from abroad’ rule
- Issue: Interaction between the PE anti-avoidance rule and the Transpacific Partnership
- Issue: The PE concept is outdated
Permanent establishment source rule
- Issue: The PE attribution rule is clear and workable
- Issue: PE source rule should not proceed
- Issue: PE source rule too broad
- Issue: PE income apportionment rule
- Issue: PE rule is not an anti-fragmentation rule
- Issue: Reference to the OECD Commentary will mean continuous law change
Dta source rule
- Issue: General support for the deemed source rule
- Issue: Deemed source rule is a bad faith change
- Issue: Drafting issues
Transfer pricing and country-by-country reporting
Transfer pricing
- Issue: Strengthening transfer pricing rules is not required
- Issue: Impacts on taxpayer and Inland Revenue resourcing of transfer pricing
- Issue: That New Zealand’s transfer pricing legislation explicitly refer to the OECD transfer pricing guidelines
- Issue: That the OECD transfer pricing guidelines should be annexed to the New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 or otherwise made available free of charge to all taxpayers
- Issue: Applying the transfer pricing rules to investors that act in concert
- Issue: Economic substance
- Issue: Definition of arm’s length conditions
- Issue: Requirements for not recognising a transfer pricing arrangement
- Issue: Drafting of requirement for not recognising a transfer pricing arrangement
- Issue: Onus of proof for transfer pricing issues should remain with Inland Revenue
- Issue: Consequential changes if the onus of proof for transfer pricing issues is shifted to the taxpayer
- Issue: Transfer pricing documentation requirements and timeframe
- Issue: Guidance materials for transfer pricing documentation and investigations
- Issue: A consistency committee should be established within Inland Revenue
- Issue: Extending the time bar for transfer pricing issues from four to seven years
- Issue: Deadlines for investigation of transfer pricing matters and responding to Advance Pricing Agreement applications
- Issue: Seven year time bar should not apply to the restricted transfer pricing rules for related party debt
- Issue: Refund provision should match the proposed seven year time bar and drafting of the time bar
- Issue: Drafting of the transfer pricing time bar
- Issue: Drafting structure of the transfer pricing rules
- Issue: Redrafting of existing transfer pricing rules
Country-by-Country reports
- Issue: Protection of information provided in Country-by-Country reports
- Issue: Publication of Country-by-Country reports
- Issue: Application date of Country-by-Country reports provision
- Issue: Drafting uses incorrect definition of “ultimate parent”
- Issue: Definition of large multinational group
Hybrid and branch mismatch rules
General issues
- Issue: Complexity of proposed rules and compliance costs
- Issue: Breadth of proposed rules
- Issue: New Zealand should not be a leader on hybrid and branch mismatch rules
- Issue: Purpose/targets of OECD recommendations are flawed
- Issue: Reassessment of corporate income tax rate
- Issue: Transitional period
- Issue: Restructuring safely
- Issue: Widened corresponding hybrid mismatch legislation
- Issue: List of corresponding hybrid mismatch legislation
- Issue: Clarity of tax regimes affected by rules
- Issue: Split ownership
- Issue: Determination-making power to correct errors
- Issue: Application of rules to consolidated groups
- Issue: Legislative deferrals and consultation
- Issue: Branch mismatch rules consultation and application
- Issue: De minimis threshold/safe harbour
- Issue: Practical implications of rule with foreign country laws
- Issue: Drafting issues
Hybrid Financial instrument rule
- Issue: Franking credits and partial deduction denial
- Issue: Scope of rule
- Issue: Full grandparenting
- Issue: Payment tax status in payee country
- Issue: Scope of ordinary income counterfactual test
- Issue: Level of association required for rule to take effect
- Issue: Need for defensive rule
- Issue: Regulatory capital for insurers
- Issue: Taxation in jurisdiction other than payee jurisdiction
- Issue: Definition of ordinary income
- Issue: Effect of delayed recognition
Disregarded hybrid payments rule and deemed branch payments
- Issue: Third party expense margin
- Issue: Payments taxed in New Zealand
- Issue: No definition of a branch
Reverse hybrid rule and branch payee mismatch rule
Deductible hybrid and branch payments rule
- Issue: Active income exemption for branches
- Issue: Actual offset before deduction denial
- Issue: US dual consolidated loss rules
Dual resident payer rule
Imported mismatch rule
- Issue: Incorporation of OECD guidance into domestic law
- Issue: Opposition to imported mismatch rule
- Issue: Timing mismatches
- Issue: Guidance on imported mismatch rule
- Issue: Redraft of imported mismatch rule
Surplus assessable income
- Issue: Application to each mismatch situation
- Issue: Definition of surplus assessable income needs to be revisited
- Issue: Continuity
- Issue: Offset of carried forward mismatch amounts
- Issue: Unrecognised amounts
- Issue: Grouping of surplus assessable income amounts
- Issue: Broader stranded losses provision
- Issue: Foreign tax credits and surplus assessable income
- Issue: Additional limit on ability to carry forward mismatch amounts
Election Rules
- Issue: Support for rules
- Issue: Broadening the opaque election to non-wholly owned entities
- Issue: Opaque election for new entities
- Issue: Further consideration needed on election regimes
- Issue: Opaque election should not be permanently binding
Interaction with other tax regimes
- Issue: Removal of NRWT liability when deduction denied permanently
- Issue: NRWT overreach
- Issue: Support for consequential thin capitalisation changes
- Issue: Banking thin capitalisation rules
- Issue: FIF rule changes
- Issue: Share lending provision difficult to understand
Other definitions
- Issue: Structured arrangement facts and circumstances and exclusion
- Issue: Definition of a control group
- Issue: Trumping existing legislation
NRWT on hybrid arrangements – treaty issue
- Issue: Amendment should not override New Zealand’s DTAs
- Issue: Lack of certainty and consolation
- Issue: Clarify drafting of RF 11C(2)
- Issue: Hybrids treaty issue and tax havens
Other policy matters
Inland Revenue’s administrative powers to investigate large multinationals
- Issue: Inland Revenue’s ability to request information held by offshore group members
- Issue: Limitations and safeguards on Inland Revenue’s ability to request information held by offshore group members
- Issue: Limitations on Inland Revenue’s ability to impose the consequences in section 21BA when a multinational does not provide the requested information
- Issue: The scope of section 21BA should be narrowed
- Issue: Evidence exclusion rule when the requested information has not been provided
- Issue: Deadlines for responding to a request for information under new section 21BA
- Issue: Criminal penalties for not providing information requested about an offshore group member
- Issue: Civil penalties for not providing information requested about an offshore group member
- Issue: Civil penalty should be imposed by a Court, rather than Inland Revenue
- Issue: Collecting any unpaid tax owed by large multinational group from a New Zealand member of that group
- Issue: Scope of proposed section HD 30 should be clarified
Life reinsurance
- Issue: Unilateral change to DTAs
- Issue: Grandparenting
- Issue: Publish detailed commentary on each DTA
- Issue: Lack of knowledge
- Issue: Drafting
Miscellaneous issues
- Issue: The cumulative effect of and interaction of changes needs to be considered more
- Issue: Proposals do not strike the right balance between compliance costs for businesses and Inland Revenue
- Issue: Engagement with the public before a Bill is introduced to Parliament
- Issue: Start-ups should have a chance
- Issue: Paying a fair share of tax
- Issue: Human Rights should be considered
- Issue: The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI) should be ratified
- Issue: General determination making power
- Issue: Tax avoidance should be fraud and criminal
- Issue: Need a comprehensive statutory framework for combating tax avoidance
- Issue: The provision of advertising services and platforms should be tax neutral
- Issue: Transparency
- Issue: End Tax Havens: New Zealand to support Pacific Island Nations to establish alternative sources of revenue and implement BEPS
- Issue: New Zealand to actively support the creation of a new global tax body
- Issue: Remove tax on wages, salary, and superannuation benefits
- Issue: No interest payments to a related party should be deductible regardless of the rate
- Issue: Henry George “one tax solution”
- Issue: Bill will change how businesses operate in New Zealand