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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

Contact us

General Inland Revenue enquiries

Need help with...

  • IRD numbers and myIR?
  • Income tax and GST?
  • KiwiSaver?
  • Student loans?
  • Working for Families, Child Support, Paid Parental Leave?
  • Refunds and payments?
  • Other personal tax affairs or general tax questions?

Get answers from the main Inland Revenue website

Tax policy enquiries

We welcome enquiries or questions that relate to current tax policy developments, including:

  • Proposed changes to tax laws
  • Updates on bills
  • Government tax and social policy announcements
  • Website feedback


Email us your enquiries or questions about current tax policy developments: [email protected]


+64 4 890 1500 (main National Office number in Wellington, New Zealand)

Postal address

Policy and Regulatory Stewardship
Inland Revenue
PO Box 2198
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Courier address

Policy and Regulatory Stewardship
Inland Revenue
Level 4
Asteron Centre
55 Featherston Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Physical address

Level 8
Asteron Centre
55 Featherston Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Visitors - please report to reception on level 5


Last updated: 14 Nov 2023