- General submissions
- Issue: Support for the proposed amendments to KiwiSaver
- Issue: Greater consultation expected
- Issue: Recovering unpaid employer contributions from scheme providers
- Issue: Aligning the provisional and holding periods with the opt-out period
- Issue: More education about KiwiSaver residence requirements
- Issue: Calculating interest on contributions not received
- Changing contribution rates through a scheme provider or Inland Revenue
- Issue: Support for the proposal
- Issue: Proposal creates compliance costs
- Issue: Proposal should not be deferred
- Issue: The first pay period that the contribution rate change applies to
- Issue: Contribution rate information should be sent to scheme provider
- Issue: Certainty about when contribution rate change processed
- Issue: Timeliness of providing information to employers
- Issue: Scheme providers should share contribution rate information with employers
- Issue: Guidance about implementing the proposal
- Other KiwiSaver matters
- Issue: Insufficient information provided to employers around KiwiSaver opt-outs
- Issue: Entitlement to Government contribution ceasing at 65
- Issue: Entitlement to compulsory employer contributions for under 18 year olds
- Issue: Flexibility of employee contribution rates
- Issue: “Lock-in” of QROPS funds in KiwiSaver schemes
- Issue: ESCT rate for employee with secondary tax code should be the same as base tax rate
- Issue: Reporting employer’s name and address to Inland Revenue
- Issue: Aligning employee address requirements in the KiwiSaver Act 2006 with the Tax Administration Act 1994
- New early KiwiSaver withdrawal category for people with life-shortening congenital conditions
- Issue: Support for the proposals
- Issue: Definition of life-shortening congenital condition taken to be a life expectancy below the New Zealand superannuation qualification age
- Issue: KiwiSaver providers may have a grace period for updating disclosure information
- Issue: Application process
- Issue: Operational matters requiring clarification
- Issue: Clarification of ability to work following withdrawal under the new category
- Issue: Drafting matters
- Issue: Impact of withdrawal on social assistance payments
Student loans
- Matters raised by officials
- Issue: Repeal the requirement for loan repayments to be deducted from schedular, election-day, and casual agricultural income
- Issue: Underestimation penalty
- Issue: Repayment obligations limited to loan balance
- Issue: Lowering the adjusted net income threshold from $1,500 to $500
- Issue: Date repayment deductions are deemed to be made
- Issue: Aligning the write-off rules
- Issue: Interest for New Zealand-based borrowers
- Issue: Payment ordering rules
- Issue: Early assessment of student loan adjusted net income
- Issue: Notification of income by overseas-based borrowers applying to be treated as New Zealand-based
Research and development
- Tax-exempt entity exclusion
- Issue: Entities that derive small amounts of exempt income should be eligible
- Issue: Rationale for tax-exempt entity exclusion acknowledged
- Issue: Eligibility of charities
- Issue: Credits carried forward by excluded entities and definition of levy body researcher
- Issue: Eligibility of Māori enterprises
Other policy and remedial changes
- Widening the Commissioner’s power to put people on the correct prescribed investor rate
- Issue: Support for the proposal
- Issue: Further widening the Commissioner’s powers to put people on correct prescribed investor rate
- Issue: 1 April 2020 application date should be deferred
- Issue: Clarification about liability for under and over paid tax for investors on Commissioner advised rate
- Issue: Increased engagement about operationalisation of proposal
- Issue: Notifying an investor of a change to the PIR
- Issue: Ultimate responsibility for determining the PIR
- Issue: Process required where Inland Revenue recommends the wrong rate
- Issue: Require PIEs to report PIR information to Inland Revenue on a semi-regular basis
- Issue: Technical drafting issues
- Issue: Process for investor being listed in part A of schedule 29
- Issue: Extension of new PIE transitional period
- Taxation of trusts
- Issue: Remedial amendments to trust rules supported
- Issue: Residence of co-trustees as a single notional person
- Issue: Corpus
- Issue: Drafting relating to trustee income
- Issue: Source of capital gain
- Issue: Taxable distribution not subject to the ordering rule
- Issue: Foreign-sourced income of a resident trustee – distributions
- Issue: Foreign-sourced income of a resident trustee
- Issue: Foreign-sourced income of resident trustees – a trust that has no settlor
- Issue: Foreign-sourced minor beneficiary income drafting
- Issue: Settlement by acts of associates
- Issue: Value of deferral and non-exercise
- Issue: Election to pay New Zealand tax on world-wide trustee income
- Issue: Taxation of distributions from a trust that has elected to become a complying trust
- Removal of the requirement to estimate at final provisional tax instalment date
- Issue: General support for the measure
- Issue: Relationship between sections RC 7 and proposed sections RC 10(5) and (6) should be clarified to avoid the confusion of terms
- Issue: A subsequent change is required to account for early balance date taxpayers
- Issue: The practical implications of the change to eliminate estimating the final instalment should be fully considered
- Clarifying the way in which provisional tax instalments are truncated to whole dollars
- Issue: General support for the amendment
- Issue: Legislation should be altered to deal with taxpayers who have short paid their instalments by small amounts
- Issue: Example in the commentary
- Issue: Inland Revenue should provide further guidance
- Issue: The proposed amendment is in the wrong section
- Issue: The amendment should apply retrospectively to the 2017 - 18 income year
- Issue: Additional truncation
- Tax administration matters
- Issue: Support for permitted disclosure relating to representatives
- Issue: Support for remedial amendments relating to the binding rulings regime
- Issue: Clarifications to the legislative drafting for removing tax agents, representatives, and nominated persons
- Issue: Clarification to the rules that allow for the self-correction of certain errors in subsequent returns
- Issue: Self-correction of certain errors in subsequent returns – guidance and changes to the test for GST errors
New matters raised at Select Committee
- GST on low-value imported goods
- Issue: Reverse charge – GST-registered recipient returns the GST
- Issue: Interaction of marketplace rules with existing agency rules
- Issue: Knowledge offence for consumers and underlying suppliers providing incorrect or misleading information
- Issue: Requirement to include GST information in import documentation
- Issue: Requirement to include amount of tax charged on receipt
- Other GST issues
- Issue: Removing a GST barrier to buying homes using co-ownership and rent-to-buy arrangements
- Issue: GST deductions for capital raising costs – remedial reference to participatory securities
- Issue: Clarifying the scope of an exemption for certain government grants provided to social housing providers
- Hybrid and branch mismatch rules
- Issue: Disregarded hybrid payment rule – no deduction denial for reimbursement of external group costs
- Issue: Opaque election – exemption for transitional expenditure
- Issue: Defensive branch rule – counteraction should be for margin on branch charge rather than gross amount
- Issue: Defensive branch rule – limitation of scope to foreign offset situations
- Issue: Exemption from hybrid and branch mismatch rules for small businesses
- Other matters
- Issue: Clarification to the filing rules for individuals
- Issue: Clarifying when interest starts for individuals
- Issue: Clarifying when the Commissioner is required to issue a notice of proposed adjustment
- Issue: Repealing a redundant provision that relates to “non-filing” taxpayers
- Issue: Minor amendment to the write off rules for individuals
- Issue: Minor amendments to the refund rules for back years
- Issue: New provision required to be added to the Income Tax Act 1994 – refund rules
- Issue: Investment income reporting – dividends paid by a listed PIE
- Issue: Definition of “custodial institution”
- Issue: End investor treatment of foreign custodians and aggregation of the underlying investors
- Issue: Transfer of investment income withholding and reporting requirements for RWT and NRWT
- Issue: Relaxation of investment income reporting requirements for custodial institutions
- Issue: Clarification of the investment income error correction rules in relation to approved issuer levy
- Issue: RWT – additional foreign exchange rate
- Issue: Repeal of information sharing legislative provision
- Issue: Fringe benefit tax and private vehicle use
- Issue: The number of remedial amendments
- Issue: Securitisation vehicle amendments
- Issue: Amend sections RC 29 and RC 33 to ensure provisional tax is correctly calculated
- Issue: Standardise the term “person with an initial provisional tax liability”
- Issue: Ensure the definition of “taxable activity” includes partners in a partnership and members of unincorporated bodies
- Issue: Ensure the early payment discount applies as intended
- Issue: Clarify the definition of “provisional tax”
- Issue: Align the treatment of overpaid tax by a company using the accounting income method (AIM) with tax paid on behalf of AIM shareholders
- Issue: Inclusion of a tolerance for provisional tax instalments
- Issue: Amend the definition of “START tax type” in the Tax Administration Act 1994 to include Release 4 tax types
- Issue: Adding START tax types to section 184A(5) of the Tax Administration Act
- Issue: Income tax treatment of Nga Whenua Rahui kawenata
- Issue: The monetary system
- Issue: Tax rates