Electronic communications
- Overview
- Issue: Support for the amendment
- Issue: Administrative changes required
- Issue: Rules should provide positive obligation for the Commissioner to use electronic communications primarily
- Issue: The communication framework should apply to all provisions
- Issue: Amendments should extend to stamp and cheque duties legislation
- Issue: Amendments should future-proof the legislation
- Issue: Use of common verbs creates uncertainty
- Issue: Commissioner’s express consent
- Issue: Communications must be in writing where penalties could arise or time periods are triggered
- Issue: Commissioner’s power to request information under section 17
- Issue: Responding to an information request in writing
- Issue: Requirement to provide information for a binding ruling
- Issue: Legislative clarification for email bounce-back
- Issue: Legislative clarification for “received by the person”
- Issue: Legislative clarification of what “directly alerted to” means
- Issue: Legislative clarification of what “advising” means
- Issue: Consistent use of the term “provide”
- Issue: Legislative clarification of difference between “notify” and “notice”
- Issue: Clarification of cross-reference in new section 14F
- Issue: Minor legislative drafting errors
- Accepting electronic signatures
Employee share schemes
- Overview
- Simplifying the collection of tax on employee share schemes
- Issue: Wider review of the tax treatment of employee share schemes needed
- Issue: Support for proposed change
- Issue: Alternative method of withholding should be considered
- Issue: PAYE reporting and timeframes
- Issue: Ability to correct returns
- Issue: Scope of the proposals
- Issue: Employees should be able to request their employer to withhold tax on any employment income
- Issue: Irrevocable election to withhold
- Issue: Objection to the requirement to disclose information when employer chooses not to withhold
- Issue: Employers should not be responsible for disclosing employee share benefits arising from Commissioner-approved share purchase schemes
- Issue: Employers should not be responsible for disclosing information about employee share benefits received by former employees
- Issue: Interaction with the Accident Compensation Act
- Issue: Interaction with the Holidays Act
- Issue: Drafting matters
- Issue: Application date – validation of earlier tax positions
- Issue: Amnesty for past non-compliance
- Issue: Consequential matters
- Issue: Does the sale of shares to meet tax obligations mean that all the shares vested in the employee are held on revenue account?
Information sharing
KiwiSaver membership
- Impact of subsequent “conscious choice”
- Limiting opt outs to employment enrolments only
- Drafting error
- KiwiSaver – Member tax credit information
Other policy matters
- FIF exemption simplification for ASX
- Issue: Support for the amendment
- Issue: Not supportive of the amendment
- Issue: Amending the remaining requirements of the FIF exemption
- Issue: Inland Revenue’s published exemption list
- Issue: Retrospective application of the amendment
- Issue: Exclusion for Australasian share sale proceeds of managed funds 66
- Supporting co-location
- Issue: Support for the proposal
- Issue: Whether co-located staff signing Inland Revenue certificates overcomes issue
- Issue: Whether the exception for unintentional breaches is necessary
- Issue: Whether a higher secrecy standard should apply
- Issue: Whether the proposal should be limited to Inland Revenue employees and co-located government employees
- Issue: Whether the proposal should be limited to co-located premises
- Special tax codes for those receiving NZ Superannuation or veteran’s pension
- Facilitating additional deductions from wages or salary
- Issue: Defaulting taxpayers should not be able to prevent deduction notices having effect by failing to notify a change of address
- Issue: A copy of the deduction notice should be sent to the employee at the employer’s address
- Issue: The Commissioner should reconsider processes
- Issue: The proposed amendments address administrative issues
- Changes to personal tax summary thresholds
- Changes to rulings regime
- Student loans – student loan interest
- Tax secrecy and software intermediaries