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Tax Policy

Information release
Published 31 July 2019

Cabinet paper DEV-19-SUB-0119: Extending refundability for the Research and Development Tax Incentive

Information release for proposals to extend the refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive. The proposals were included in the Taxation (KiwiSaver, Student Loans, and Remedial Matters) Bill, introduced into Parliament on 27 June 2019.

Description Information release for proposals to extend the refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive. The proposals were included in the Taxation (KiwiSaver, Student Loans, and Remedial Matters) Bill, introduced into Parliament on 27 June 2019.
Date published 12 July 2019 by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (the individual documents are available in MBIE's document library)
Documents in this information release

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment released these documents on 12 July 2019:

# Date Type Title and description Download *
1 14 May 2019 Cabinet paper

Extending refundability for the Research and Development Tax Incentive

This paper seeks Cabinet approval to proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: DEV-19-SUB-0119

(473 KB; 11 pages)
2 22 May 2019 Minute

Extending refundability of the research and development tax incentive

This minute records the decisions of the Cabinet Economic Development Committee regarding proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: DEV-19-SUB-0119

(411 KB; 3 pages)
3 10 May 2019 Regulatory impact assessment

Regulatory impact assessment: Research and development tax incentive - refundability

This statement assesses the regulatory implications of the options for extending refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Note: This document is also available as part of the regulatory impact assessments for the Taxation (KiwiSaver, Student Loans, and Remedial Matters) Bill, published in June 2019.

Reference: DEV-19-MIN-0119

(7 MB; 37 pages)
4 13 November 2018 Briefing

R&D Tax Incentive: Phase 2

This briefing sought agreement to progress work on proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: MBIE 1560 18-19, IR2018/688

(829 KB; 7 pages)
5 13 February 2019 Policy report

R&D Tax Credit: Phase 2 policy proposals

This briefing sought agreement to commence stakeholder engagement on proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: IR2019/005, MBIE 2296 18-19

(703 KB; 16 pages)
6 11 April 2019 Briefing

Draft Cabinet paper: R&D Tax Incentive – Refundability

This briefing provided a draft Cabinet paper on proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: MBIE 3068 18-19, IR2019/159

(641 KB; 16 pages)
7 2 May 2019 Briefing

R&D Tax Incentive: Ministerial meeting to discuss refundability

This briefing provided information to support discussions on proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: MBIE 3372 18-19, IR2019/233

Note: document #7 was added on 5 August 2019.

(1.4 MB; 8 pages)
8 17 May 2019 Aide memoire

Talking points for the DEV Cabinet paper: Extending refundability for the R&D Tax Incentive

This aide memoire provided talking points for the Cabinet paper on proposals to extend refundability of the Research and Development Tax Incentive.

Reference: MBIE 3482 18-19

(463 KB; 8 pages)
9 27 June 2019 Briefing

R&D Tax Incentive – refundability and small innovative firms

This briefing provided additional information on refundability and small innovative firms.

Reference: MBIE 3584 18-19, IR2019/303

(541 KB; 9 pages)
* Individual documents will be downloaded from MBIE's website
Additional information

The Cabinet paper was considered by the Cabinet Economic Development Committee on 22 May 2019 and confirmed by Cabinet on 27 May 2019.

This information release was added to the tax policy website on 31 July 2019. It was updated on 5 August 2019 to add document #7 (which was initially not available).

The single PDF with all the documents is provided for convenience.