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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

PUBLISHED 16 May 2012

Minister welcomes NZICA input

The Minister of Revenue thanked the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants today for their participation in the discussion about reducing tax compliance costs for small and medium enterprises.  For more information see the media statement.

Hon Peter Dunne
Minister of Revenue

Media statement

Dunne: chartered accountants’ contribution welcomed

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne today thanked the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) for its contribution to the wider discussion on simplifying tax for small and medium sized businesses in New Zealand.

NZICA today released a paper on the subject.

Mr Dunne said the Government was constantly committed to having a tax system that was efficient and minimised the burden on business.

“To achieve that, we need the input of people working in the system to provide their view on how things can be improved. From that perspective, NZICA’s input is valuable”

“The Government is focused on supporting businesses to grow and will continue to look for opportunities to reduce compliance costs. By minimising compliance costs, we encourage growth which is good for our economy” he said.

Mr Dunne said the NZICA proposals would be considered.


Mark Stewart | Press Secretary | Office of Hon Peter Dunne
Cell +64 21 243 6985