Consultation on improvements to social policy
The Government is seeking feedback on proposals set out in the discussion document Making tax simpler - Better administration of social policy.
The proposals include:
- basing Working for Families on recent income (rather than estimates);
- making it easier to repay overpayments, for example, by deducting any overpayment from future payments;
- calculating child support using more recent income from both parents, and taking into account all income earned, with employers making compulsory deductions for child support for all liable parents; and
- helping some New Zealand-based borrowers manage their student loan repayments better.
The proposals are part of Inland Revenue’s business transformation. The proposed changes would build on legislation currently going through Parliament that would see Inland Revenue receiving income information from employers and banks more quickly.
For more information see the online forum at
Consultation closed on Friday 15 September 2017.