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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

Information release
Published 16 December 2022

Cabinet paper DEV-22-SUB-0229 and LEG-22-SUB-0185: Regular Dataset Collection from Payment Service Providers

This information release covers papers that sought agreement to the final policy decisions on the Regular dataset collection from payment service providers and agreement to submit the Tax Administration (Regular Collection of Bulk Data) Regulations 2022 to the Executive Council.

Documents in this information release
  1. DEV-22-SUB-0229 - Cabinet paper: Regular dataset collection from payment service providers (28 September 2022) (9 pages; PDF 169 KB)
  2. RIS - Regulatory impact statement: Regular dataset collection from payment service providers (28 September 2022) (13 pages; PDF 771 KB)
  3. DEV-22-MIN-0229 - Minute: Regular dataset collection from payment service providers (28 September 2022) (3 pages; PDF 114 KB)
  4. LEG-22-SUB-0185 - Cabinet paper: Regular dataset collection from payment service providers (Legislative approval) (10 November 2022) (4 pages; PDF 92 KB)
  5. LEG-22-MIN-0185 - Minute: Tax Administration (Regular Collection of Bulk Data) Regulations 2022 (10 November 2022) (1 page; 105 KB)
Additional information Cabinet paper [DEV-22-SUB-0229] was considered by the Cabinet Economic Development Committee on 28 September 2022 and confirmed by Cabinet on 3 October 2022.
Cabinet paper [LEG-22-SUB-0185] was considered by the Cabinet Legislation Committee on 10 November 2022 and confirmed by Cabinet on 14 November 2022.

One document is not included in this information release as it is publicly available:
- Order in Council: Tax Administration (Regular Collection of Bulk Data) Regulations 2022