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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

Information release
Published 20 December 2019

Cabinet paper SWC-19-SUB-0128: Extending the serious crime information sharing agreement

Information release for extending the serious crime information sharing agreement between Inland Revenue and New Zealand Police to the New Zealand Customs Service and the Serious Fraud Office.

Documents in this information release
  1. IR2019/009 RPT19/030 – Tax policy report: Consultation on extending the serious crime information sharing agreement – report on submissions (22 August 2019)
    - Appendix A: Submission from the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)
    - Appendix B: Submission from the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS) (see link under additional information)
    - Appendix C: Privacy Commissioner - Section 96O response (see document 4)
  2. SWC-19-SUB-0128 – Cabinet paper: Extending the serious crime information sharing agreement consultation – summary of submissions (18 September 2019)
  3. SWC-19-SUB-0128 – Information sharing agreement between Inland Revenue and New Zealand Police, New Zealand Customs Service and Serious Fraud Office (August 2019)
  4. SWC-19-SUB-0128 – Letter from the Privacy Commissioner: Privacy Commissioner's submission on the proposed extension to the information sharing agreement with the New Zealand Police to prevent, detect, investigate or provide evidence of serious crime (20 August 2019)
  5. SWC-19-SUB-0128 – Regulatory impact assessment: Extending the targeting serious crime information sharing agreement (20 August 2019)
  6. SWC-19-MIN-0128 – Minute: Extending the serious crime information sharing agreement (18 September 2019)
Additional information

The Cabinet paper was considered by the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee on 18 September 2019 and confirmed by Cabinet on 23 September 2019.

One attachment to the tax policy report (IR2019/009 RPT19/030) is not included in this information release as it is publicly available: