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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

Last updated 6 May 2022
Closing date 14 April 2022

Status Complete

Inland Revenue's draft long-term insights briefing on tax, foreign investment and productivity

The Public Service Act 2020 requires public service agencies to publish a Long-term Insights Briefing at least once every three years. These aim to provide information on medium- and long-term trends, risks and opportunities and provide impartial analysis on possible policy responses.

Inland Revenue is seeking feedback on its draft long-term insights briefing, Tax, foreign investment and productivity - draft long-term insights briefing.

The draft briefing examines how New Zealand’s tax settings are likely to affect incentives for firms to invest into New Zealand and benchmarks New Zealand’s tax settings against those in other countries.

The analysis is supported by a set of technical appendices that provide further analytical detail on the formal models being used, as well as details on the implications of the formal modelling.

Submissions closed on Thursday, 14 April 2022.